Swaroop Sampat was successful with the popular TV show Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi, where she played the role of Shafi Inamdar's wife. She would have rejected another major TV show at the time because she found Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi's script very touching and was sure he was well connected with ordinary people and showed her daily activities and lived with simplicity. It's a decision she's happy with because the soap opera has been a hit all the time. She also appeared in Kararrer Kamal Haasan-Reena Roy.Swaroop modeled for Shringar, a kumkum company. She teaches the game to disabled children.
She is a trainer, traveling across India to organize workshops for teachers to pass on this knowledge for the benefit of children.She was chosen by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi to lead an educational program for children. Swaroop is married to actor Paresh Rawal. She directs and plays in plays featuring her husband. They have two sons, Aniruddh and Aditya.
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Leats Read: Salman Khan, Bollywood Badsha, Pooja Hegde, Rakul Preeti,
Vijay Devarakonda