In 2007, Safary made his acting debut in Taare Zameen Par, playing the protagonist of the film Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi. Safary was discovered by screenwriter and creative director, Amol Gupte, in late 2006, as he was looking for a man for Taare Zameen Par.
After spending hundreds of auditions, Gupte found Safary at Shiamak Davar's dance school, "Summer Funk". In choosing Safary, Gupte auditioned a number of boys for a scene in which they would informally describe how they "superimposed" the school after receiving a few scripts. He remembers: "It was a difficult call, but Darsheel has the mess in his eyes to be Ishaan, everyone has naturally drawn to him."
Safary's performance as a struggling dyslexic child has been hailed by film critics. He has won several awards for his performance. Taran Adarsh from indiaFM wrote: "Taare Zameen Par belongs to Master Darsheel Safary, a performance that pales the best performance, a performance that deserves brownie points, a performance that will always come in the lead when someone 'one mentions Taare Zameen Par.
A flawless performance, impeccable and breathtaking, a performance that moves you and makes you think about your years of growth ... A performance that deserves a special prize!Rajeev Masand of CNN-IBN wrote: "Darsheel Safary steals your heart as Ishaan Awasthi Darsheel is a revelation as an actor, he is spontaneous and kind and carries this film completely on his shoulders".Other critics called Safary the "real star of the film" and his performance as "brilliant".
In an interview in 2007, Safary said his career plans may include singing, dancing, becoming a businessman or a jewelry designer. |